“Imagine living in a place where you had the opportunity to choose your neighbors – and the reason you live there is because they also chose you!”
Chapeltown Cohousing (Leeds – UK)
The way to go to become a FULL RESIDENT MEMBER
The membership process is not immediate and requires a mandatory “internship” (a pre-access stage) of at least 6 months, aimed at clarification sessions, private and collective meetings with potential stakeholders, discussion and exchange of ideas, particularly on the functioning of the future community, the profile of the candidates, the characteristics of the social equipment to be made available, etc. These actions are aimed to help the household in making a final decision.
Once the interest is maintained, the candidate may, at the end of this period, be admitted as an “Interim Resident Member”; why “Interim”? Because only when binding construction proposals are obtained, based on what has been outlined and approved, we will be able to have access to definitive prices and only then we will have a price structure for the types of homes on sale. Until then we will only have rough estimates. Consequently only on this date will the selected banking entities decide on the conditions regarding the signing of an exclusive protocol for financing the acquisition of the aforementioned homes. After passing all these stages the “Deed of Purchase” of the reserved dwelling as well as the formalization of the “Residence Agreement” will be executed providing a right towards Full Membership.
Summarizing, we consider up to 3 distinct phases to become a FULL RESIDENT MEMBER of ArCo, thus ensuring a residency in this community: “Friend”, “Associate” and “Resident (Interim and Full)”.
It is important to stress that are the Resident Members, based on the chronological order of their arrival, who select the next candidates, that is, the candidate made a Member in 4th place will have a decisive role in choosing which to enter in 5th, as well as in all the following.
For a more detailed idea of the specifications of each phase, you can consult the Membership Program here .

In this area we aim to provide news about the development of the project, in all its aspects, applications, comments made, challenges faced, licensing and construction phases.
We take the opportunity to present here a preparatory work carried out by the KUNOLECO Association, in 2018, which constitutes the base reference of this project. It analyzed the perspectives of human relations in the community, environmental aspects, the transformation of the eucalyptus forest into a landscape of native trees and environmentally friendly agriculture, bioclimatic architecture, the Manor House refurbishment, water and energy saving technologies, recycling, etc. Some items will already be outdated but the base remains and the perspective here conveyed by the Estate Map is quite interesting.
July 2022 marks the kick-off of the architect´s work with the preparation of the “Request for Prior Information” (“Pedido de Informação Prévia – PIP”) which will be eventually submitted for approval by the Municipality of Torres Vedras.
It is our wish that the occupation of housing and the use of all associated equipment is a reality within a time frame of up to 4 years.
We appreciate that whenever errors or inaccuracies are detected, we are alerted to these situations; on the other hand, all suggestions for improvement, as well as new ideas, are always welcome! ☺